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Tuesday, February 1, 2011


So you all know about the 'disneydoll' possibility and how Disney might be buying Stardoll and changing the name and making us all princesses. 
Well, yesterday this came out (sorry for not posting sooner, I was VERY busy) - an interview with Liisa Wrang, founder of Paperdoll Heaven/Stardoll. *picture credits to Inbetween Stardoll*

I was checking through all the blogs like I do, everyday when I log onto my netbook and I found this... 
*picture credits to Inbetween Stardoll once again*

So the story was a hoax! We are NOT being princess-ified! Yaay! 
Are you happy/glad/relived or dissapointed?
I'm happy, glad AND relived!

Beth/Beppecollins xoxo

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